Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday evening, in Germany!!

Here I am!! Sitting in Jamie and Chrissy's living room smelling delicious smells while Jamie cooks (yeah, Sarah, I know YOU are jealous!) Tonight I will sleep well. Although I had nobody in the seat next to me on the overseas flight, I didn't sleep much. I watched 2 movies, dozed a little, drank a lot of water, walked a little bit (my chiropractor's advice)... All of the flights and connections went smoothly. Thanks everybody for praying!
Dinner is ready now. More later!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


So I am sitting here at Panera on the way to the airport getting one last lesson from Chris on how to use this iPod thingie. We got Chrissy her cinnamon crunch bagels and I am all set to go.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

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one day to go!

Well, I'm just about packed and ready. Two duffle bags each weighing in at just under 50 pounds are ready along with a carrry on and a large backpack/purse. I think I have more "stuff" than clothes!!....and Girl Scout cookies!! I'm running out on last minute errands now, Sarah thinks I need Chacos, they'll be light to pack, too! Karen lent me her rain boots since April is the rainy season in Kenya.
My support all came in, thank you to everybody and went over a little bit which I will use to help pay the ladies for the time they will miss working while in my workshops. I got my schedule and the names of the ladies I will be working with. They come from 5 different countries. I will send those details in the next entry.
More later....

Monday, March 16, 2009

Two weeks to go!

Today I found out that my support is almost all in!! Thanks to everybody that I am now at 90+% and feel very comfortable about going now.
Randy brought my number two suitcase up from the garage this evening, the one I will pack with all of the extra stuff I am taking like: thread, quilting books, Girl Scout cookies and sewing supplies!!
Tomorrow I plan on packing my first aid kit. I already got my malaria pills back when I got all those shots. I need to take insect spray and itch relief cream as well as bandaids and other basics.