Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday evening, in Germany!!

Here I am!! Sitting in Jamie and Chrissy's living room smelling delicious smells while Jamie cooks (yeah, Sarah, I know YOU are jealous!) Tonight I will sleep well. Although I had nobody in the seat next to me on the overseas flight, I didn't sleep much. I watched 2 movies, dozed a little, drank a lot of water, walked a little bit (my chiropractor's advice)... All of the flights and connections went smoothly. Thanks everybody for praying!
Dinner is ready now. More later!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Judy - Sorry I couldn't get me speaker phone on the cell phone to work.... The girls would have liked to hear you,live from Germany. We made fabric flowers today - most of them got them finished, but a few of them need help (next week) to sew on the pins on the back. They turned out nice.

    Enjoy your visit with Jamie and Chrissy!

